AB Photography

Annliz Bonin is a talented photographer based in Normandy. She wanted a new signature, stylish and bold.
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CocoricoShop is a project for an online store selling items “Made in France”. For designing the visual identity, I chose to use one of the national emblems of France, the Coq Gaulois (the Gallic Rooster). I customized him with some “French clichés” : sailor shirt, baguette, beret, Napoleon hat.
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Wedding decorator

“Une fée dans la boite” (A fairy in the box) is a family business based in Brittany (France) who put beauty and magic in every event they decorate. They do birthday parties, exhibitions and mostly weddings. I’m managing all their communication : visual identity, print and web supports. When I’m in France, I follow them on events to photograph their projects.
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Complètement Marteau

Complètement Marteau is a private sales site for DIY lovers. From choosing the name (it’s a French word game with hammer, it means “off your head”) to designing the responsive website, passing by doing products photography, I participated to every step of this fantastic project.
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